This version ships with bugfixes, features and improvements.
- Fixed issue where a server migration would occasionally throw an exception before completion.
- Admin area news and version information now uses an improved caching system.
- VNC passwords are now compatible with Libvirt 8+.
- Added low level communication logging between control and hypervisors.
- IPv6 auto allocation now honours network profiles.
- Fixed issue where an operating system template would show in the Other group if the assigned group was disabled.
- Operating system template table now links to assigned group and displays the group status.
- Added Operating System Template Collections for server packages/vms (Admin -> Media -> Template Collections).
- Added kvm64 & qemu64 as extra Default CPU Mode settings.
- Fixed an issue where a domain would not be accepted for PowerDNS resource settings.
- The default miscellaneous template group name and status can now be modified (Admin -> Media -> Template Groups).
- Various admin UI improvements to dropdowns/sliders.
- IPv6 block configuration now supports all CIDRs.
- Fixed an issue with IP block <> hypervisor network database mapping.
- Added IPv6 allocation logging to the resource allocation log.
Operating System Template Collections allow you to create multiple collections of templates and groups to be assigned to a Package or/and VM. This feature is ideal if you would like to exclude specific templates for specific packages. There is no limit to the amount of collections that can be assigned.