Help and Support


Join our Discord

Our community Discord server is an ideal space for expanding your knowledge and connecting with others who utilize VirtFusion. With a friendly and welcoming community of experts and enthusiasts, the VirtFusion community Discord server is an essential resource for anyone looking to stay on the cutting edge of virtualization.


Feature Requests

You can easily submit new feature requests, provide detailed descriptions and use cases, and even attach relevant files or screenshots to support your proposals. Once submitted, features are made visible to the community for voting and discussion, allowing others to share their opinions and insights on which features they would most like to see implemented in to VirtFusion.


Contact Our Support

Whether you’re experiencing technical difficulties, have a billing query, or just need help getting started, our team is always available to provide fast and reliable support.

Our team is made up of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to resolving issues quickly and efficiently.