Version 2.2.0 Testing Build 1 Released

  • Improved VM network filter detection and management.
  • Improved post cloud-init module execution on network change and migrations.
  • Added option to send an account creation email when a user is created.
  • Added id, email and relational id filters to users table.
  • Increased timeouts for VM actions that could potentially run slow on larger deployments.
  • Fixed issue where available IPv4 would show incorrectly when viewing hypervisor resources by group if IP block groups were in use.
  • Major improvements to the email system – including:
    • Sectional HTML layouts.
    • Pre-built layout components.
    • Text versions of each email.
    • Preview text (pre-header).
    • Multi-level parsing to mitigate potential layout issues due to user input.
    • HTML+Text emails (now default), Text only or HTML only.
    • Logo header to replace the default company name.
    • Footer disclaimer.
  • Frontend and backend framework updates.