Version 1.7.2 Testing Build 1 Released

  • Fixed an issue where operating system templates were not showing the full name in the admin UI.
  • Used CPU cores now show correctly when viewing grouped hypervisor resources.
  • Bulk admin notification emails are now sent individually.
  • Fixed issue where a gateway4 element would remain in the cloud-init network configuration even when no IPv4 addresses were specified.
  • Added support for new hypervisor licensing options.
  • Improved interaction with the QEMU guest agent.
  • Added support for MacVTap hypervisor networking (default on new installations).
  • It’s now possible to edit the primary network interface name for hypervisors.
  • When commissioning a new hypervisor, the system will attempt to auto-populate resource limits (memory, cpu).
  • Added hypervisor server events (hooks).